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Prayers, Reflections and Hymns

For support during the Coronavirus epidemic

Some prayers, reflections and hymns for support during our current troubled and difficult times.

Just Today

Just today I won’t be angry – I’ll forgive everyone as I am forgiven by God,

Just today I won’t be worried – God is with me and I am with Him,

Just today, I will work Honestly – to honestly support my family and community,

Just today I will be kind to all the living things – being kind brings love into the Will,

Just today I will be glad for everything – being thankful brings peace and joy in soul.

A reflection for hope

Many Nights we prayed

With no proof anyone could hear,

In our hearts a hope for a song

We barely understood.


Now we are not afraid,

Although we know there’s much to fear.

We were moving mountains

Long before we knew we could


There can be miracles when you believe,

Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill


Who knows what miracles you can achieve?

When you believe, somehow you will


You will when you believe

A prayer of support for our community, (taken from the Church of England website)

Let us pray to the Lord,
who is our refuge and stronghold. 

For the health and well-being of our nation,
that all who are fearful and anxious
may be at peace and free from worry:
Lord, hear us,
Lord, graciously hear us.

For the isolated and housebound,
that we may be alert to their needs,
and care for them in their vulnerability:

Lord, hear us,
Lord, graciously hear us.

For our homes and families,
our schools and young people,
and all in any kind of need or distress:
Lord, hear us,
Lord, graciously hear us.

For a blessing on our local community,
that our neighbourhoods may be places of trust and friendship,
where all are known and cared for:
Lord, hear us,

Lord, graciously hear us.

We commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,
to the mercy and protection of God.

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers
for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Some Hymns of support and peace

(click on the picture links to play the music)

All videos available on and courtesy of You Tube

Father I place into your hands

Here I am Lord

Be Thou my Guardian

The link below will play the Lord's prayer, sung in original Aramaic

Stay safe

and trust in the Lord God